SoundCloud Broadside Balladeer Vic

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Celebrating Phil Ochs releases 2018 Phil Ochs Tribute CD#2 - We're Gonna Sing It Again!

 We're Going to Sing It Again!
New 2018 Phil Ochs Song Collection by Various Artists – Available at Itunes: Listen here! We're Going To Sing It Again!

Various Artists
Sing Phil Ochs Songs & Tributes June 27, 2018 Folk 2018 Shannon Hammock. A Project of the Celebrating Phil Ochs Facebook Group. This is the second compilation released by founder/coordinator Shannon Hammock. Here's a screenshot of the 2018 CD Song & Performer List for "We're Gonna Sing It Again!"

 We're Going To Sing It Again!

iTunes We're Going To Sing It Again! Various Artists Sing Phil Ochs Songs & Tributes June 27, 2018 Folk

 We're Going to Sing It Now!
Celebrating Phil Ochs - Various Artists Vol I
We're Gong to Sing It Now!

The first collection of artists singing Phil Ochs songs was titled
We’reGonna Say It Now!  

A Project of the Celebrating Phil Ochs Facebook Group. This is the f
irst compilation released by founder/coordinator Shannon Hammock.
Hear "We're Gonna Say It Now!" at iTunes

Other Links of Interest to Phil Ochs Fans & Friends:

1973 Audio Becomes 2015 Vic Sadot YouTubeo Video: "Phil Ochs May 1973 Interview: Nixon, Watergate, South America" by Vic Sadot & Rich Lang (30:10) Vic Sadot YouTube Channel. Phil talks about Nixon, Watergate developments, the TV show he was on the day before, and his travels in South America. 

"Phil Ochs May 1973 Interview: Nixon, Watergate, South America"
by Vic Sadot & Rich Lang

For Download & Non-Profit Creative Commons Copyright Use 

Phil Ochs Audio Became a 2015 Vimeo Video: "Phil Ochs May 1973 Interview: Nixon, Watergate, & South America" by Vic Sadot & Rich Lang (30:10) Vic Sadot Broadside Balladeer Vimeo Channel. Phil talks about Nixon, Watergate developments, the TV show he was on the day before, and his travels in South America.

 Phil Ochs FBI File
 Phil Ochs FBI File
in the Sing Out! Magazine Archive

PHIL OCHS FBI FILE by Vic Sadot at the Official Vic Sadot Music Website in 2011. First published as the cover story in 1982 in Broadside: The National Topical Song Magazine.

 Phil Ochs Legacy Lives On In The House of Woody

Phil Ochs Legacy Lives On In The House of Woody
by Vic Sadot at Broadside Balladeer Blog

Phil Ochs Legacy Lives On In The House of Woody by Vic Sadot 8-10-15 at Broadside Balladeer Blog. “Phil Ochs fans will be happy to know, if they do not know already, that Phil Ochs' legacy will live on in The House of Woody Guthrie in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The placement of Phil Ochs' archives in the Woody Guthrie Center is a wise and wonderful development! Here's a screenshot from the Woody Guthrie Center website.” 

50 Phil Ochs Fans Can’t Be Wrong

Celebrating Phil Ochs – A Group Created to Organize 75th Birthday Tributes to Phil Ochs and Released 2 Volumes of CD's with Phil Ochs Songs & Tributes by Various Artists who love Phil Ochs

Broadside Balladeer Videos

Broadside Balladeer Tribute to Phil Ochs by Vic Sadot - The Full Crazy Planet Band version released on “Broadsides & Retrospectives” CD in 2005. See CD Baby Artist Collections at YouTube! That was the version selected for the Celebrating Phil Ochs Vol II featurring: Songwriter Vic Sadot on vocals and acoustic guitar; Rob Sadot on electric guitar; Tris Hovanec on bass; Boxturtle Bob Chirnside on drums; Roberta Greenspan on violin; Julius Gordon on mandolin.
Full band version of Broadside Balladeer was used on Celebrating Phil Ochs Vol II

Broadside Balladeer Tribute to Phil Ochs by Vic Sadot - Acoustic version with Vic Sadot and Eric Golub released on 9/11/11 on 9/11 Truth & Justice Songs at CD Baby. See CD Baby Artist Collections at YouTube! 

Vic Sadot with Eric Golub on violin duo version of Broadside Balladeer

This Broadside Balladeer video was made and published by life-long friend, music producer, and recording engineer Dean A. Banks on Sept 27, 2006 at Vic Sadot YouTube Channel. It features many Phil Ochs releases in his music career. It now has a video count of over 7,000 views. The song is made up of Ochs song titles. Can you find them all?

In addition to this BROADSIDE BALLADEER BLOG (topical songs), Vic also blogs at BERKELEY CALLING BLOG (SF Bay Free Speech Issues), TRUTH TROUBADOUR BLOG (9/11 & Deep State).

The Official Site for Vic Sadot Music is

Vic is available for bookings and interviews. Contact: 

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Nuclear Heartland USA - John LaForge of Nukewatch in Berkeley CA

John LaForge of presented an engaging power-point lecture about publishing the revised edition of “Nuclear Heartland”. It was updated from the original 1988 edition to let people know where the land-based missile silos are located in the United States. John spoke in Historic Fellowship Hall in Berkeley, CA when the BFUU Social Justice Committee invited him to do his powerpoint presentation.

The enhanced visual video took months of work. It was first published in March 2017 at SOCIAL JUSTICE IN THE HEART OF BERKELEY YouTube Channel
. Since it was made to be a free Creative Commons Copyright for non-profit use with accreditation and no-edits, it has been posted at a number of other sites. Note: The video is available for you to use at your local Public Access Cable TV from PEGMedia: 

John LaForge predicted to a very skeptical crowd in Berkeley in his October 13, 2016 presentation that the UN General Assembly was going to take strong action against the new Nuclear Arms race and the proliferation of countries creating
such horrific weapons arsenals. The UN General Assembly did in fact vote the next week and again in July 2017 to take historic stands on this existential threat to all humankind.

The UN General Assembly voted on Oct 27, 2016 to make 2017 the year for the world focus on pressing forward with the obligatory disarmament negotiations required of signatories to the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) and to stop the proliferation of such horrific weapons by other non-signatory nations. Under President Obama the US voted NO to even having conferences about nuclear disarmament and Obama approved massive new expenditures before leaving office. Under President Trump the US boycotted the UN General Assembly nuclear disarmament talks in March and July 2017.

On July 7, 2017 the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in a rare act of defiance of the Security Council to make nuclear weapons illegal, and that the
Nuclear Non-Proliferation obligations of signatories to dismantle nuclear weapons be negotiated by all parties
Yet President Trump spoke to the General Assembly and threatened "total destruction" and "fire and fury" to the population of North Korea!!! Meanwhile our controlled media has fed the public a frenzy of superficial
insults and anger about scripted Trump tweets and diversionary, divisive claims by fake “liberals” about "RussiaGate. The 2 wngs of the War Party and the Mockingbird Media have been rather successful at controlling the national dialogue. There was little coverage of this historic
UN votes, and people soon forgot the populist issues that brought Senator Sanders and Donald Trump to the fore of the 2016 election primaries: end the 9/11 wars, stop intervening in the Middle East, enact a Universal Health Care bill and end student debt slavery for going to college. Who can talk about anything that matters in this political

Related: Lawsuit Filed by Grant Smith of the Institute for Research on Middle East Policy (IREMP) Warns $234 Billion In Aid To Israel Violates US Law Against Supporting Secret Nuclear States by Kit O’Connel Global Research April 18, 2017 (MINT Press 8-16-18)