SoundCloud Broadside Balladeer Vic

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Oh What A Day! New Video by Vic Sadot at YouTube

On Oct 12, 2011 Vic Sadot posted a new music video of "Oh What A Day!", which is the 14th song on the new 16 song collection released on Sept 11, 2011 as "9/11 Truth & Justice Songs - 10th Anniversary Edition". A new web site was launched on the same day with the crucial help of Michael Tank at

The writing of "Oh What A Day!" was begun by Vic Sadot in November 2008 on the day after the election of the first Black President of the United States, Barack Obama, formerly Barry Sotero. It was completed not long after the Inauguration to celebrate the departure of the lawless, lying, war-mongering Bush-Cheney regime. The 2008 Democratic Party election victory seemed to indicate that the American electorate were hoping for a "CHANGE" along the lines of Roosevelt's "New Deal" program. Now that the Obama "honeymoon" period is long over, many in the electorate are feeling that the "CHANGE" promised was betrayed. We are getting the policies of the old war profiteering and torture regime with a new wave of austerity policies and further dismantling of the "New Deal". We need leaders who serve "JUSTICE", not the money masters, manipulators, and oppressors who bomb weaker resource rich countries in our name under all manner of ridiculous rationales and unproven pretexts. The song was recorded at Robot Envy Studio in Berkeley, CA with Sammy Fielding as sound engineer. Vic Sadot is on vocals and acoustic guitar. Eric Golub is featured on violin.

The video covers the issues that Obama has made his own, expanded wars and the use of drone warfare, for example. Scenes of opposition in the form of the new "Occupy Wall Street" movement feature in this video as well as many photos from SF Bay Area actions.

Oh What A Day! Music Video by Vic Sadot at YouTube