SoundCloud Broadside Balladeer Vic

Showing posts with label courage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label courage. Show all posts

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Courage To Resist - A Tribute to Bradley Manning, wikileaks, & GI Resisters

Courage To Resist - A tribute to GI Resistance in 2011 by Vic Sadot in support of Private Bradley Manning and wikileaks for exposing the lies, war crimes, and cover-ups by the corporate empire. Bradley Manning, Nicole Mitchell, Marc Hall, and others give us hope for truth and justice. If they can stand up when already bound up by the military control over their lives, then we can too!

Check out their real life stories of resistance at www(dot)couragetoresist(com)

The first version of the song which was made for video was a Valentine to Bradley Manning created by Code Pink activist Holly Harwood and posted to YouTube. The second version was a live recording by Vic Sadot. And the third version is this one using the studio recording featuring Eric Golub on viola and Vic on vocals and acoustic guitar with visuals selected by Vic to match the lyrics.