SoundCloud Broadside Balladeer Vic

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Showing posts with label transparency. Show all posts

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Courage To Resist - A Tribute to Bradley Manning, wikileaks, & GI Resisters

Courage To Resist - A tribute to GI Resistance in 2011 by Vic Sadot in support of Private Bradley Manning and wikileaks for exposing the lies, war crimes, and cover-ups by the corporate empire. Bradley Manning, Nicole Mitchell, Marc Hall, and others give us hope for truth and justice. If they can stand up when already bound up by the military control over their lives, then we can too!

Check out their real life stories of resistance at www(dot)couragetoresist(com)

The first version of the song which was made for video was a Valentine to Bradley Manning created by Code Pink activist Holly Harwood and posted to YouTube. The second version was a live recording by Vic Sadot. And the third version is this one using the studio recording featuring Eric Golub on viola and Vic on vocals and acoustic guitar with visuals selected by Vic to match the lyrics.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Video Valentine for Bradley Manning by Code Pink Golden Gate Feb 14 2011

"Courage To Resist" by Vic Sadot is the name of the soundtrack for this Code Pink "Valentine Video to Bradley Manning". The song was written for a demonstration on Jan 12, 2011 at Old Berkeley City Hall to support Bradley Manning, wikileaks, and to close Guantanamo prison and release all the prisoners who have already been cleared. "Courage To Resist" is the name of the organization in support of US military people who have turned against war or who have become whistle-blowers about war crimes. Holly Harwood, Coordinator of Code Pink Golden Gate, came up with the idea of a video Valentine for Bradley Manning. She requested Vic Sadot's new studio recording of "Courage To Resist" with the wonderful viola of Eric Golub accompanying. It was recorded at Robot Envy Studio in Berkeley by owner/sound engineer Sammy Fielding on Feb 10, 2011. Many activists in the San Francisco Bay Area signed the Valentine posters for Bradley at recent events like the Code Pink march on Golden Gate bridge on Feb 14 and the Social Justice Committee of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist's "Country Joe Open Mic" on Feb 11. Their heartfelt statements in support of Bradley Manning are nicely intermixed with recent photos of people in the Bay Area taking their message to the streets. Blowing the whistle on war crimes is a duty, not a crime! Free Bradley Manning now! Prosecute the war criminals! Get involved! Contact "Courage To Resist"!